Can daycare facilities use cloth diapers?
I mean, you are already paying them an arm and a leg for childcare, the least they can do is allow you to choose products that save your family some money. State regulations don't disallow the use of cloth diapers, so it's not illegal or prohibited. You may be surprised to find out that it is possible, but many facilities choose to refuse reusable diapers.
The dilemma
Unfortunately, due to misunderstandings or lack of information many individuals believe that it is more difficult, more time consuming, or even hazardous to handle soiled cloth diapers. Many daycare workers may have never seen a modern cloth diaper or how easy they are to put on. They may not know that cloth diapers go inside convenient little bags to contain any messes, called wet bags.
A teaching moment
If you can get a daycare teacher or director to witness a cloth diaper change and how it works, they may be open minded enough to accept them.
Keep a positive attitude and tone but don't try to over explain, just show them exactly how it works.
Explain or show that used diapers are simply placed into the wet bag, that's the end of their responsibility! At the end of the day you take the wet bag home and deal with the rest there.
Be sure that you are using good pre stuffed pockets like the ones from Arcadia's Nursery so there is basically no difference compared to disposables.
If their worry is cloth diapers in the wet bag, mention that disposable diapers are stored similarly in a nearby trash can or diaper pail… essentially, it's the same situation. Wet bags can be hung on the wall or placed on a shelf.
Tips and tricks;
- Always be sure to bring enough for the day, you don't want them to run out.
- Ensure that you have a high quality wet bag to contain the wet and soiled diapers.
- It's a great idea to have an extra wet bag or two at the facility, not only are they great for used diapers, they're also great for messy clothes or shoes which protects your diaper bag and car.
If your daycare facility is reluctant
Try a doctor's note, especially if your child has reactions to disposable diapers.
If they are being unreasonable or are unwilling to hear you out, you may want to try finding another facility. You want your baby in the care of a center that is willing to keep your child's best interests in mind.

In conclusion
Here at Arcadias Nursery we recommend a pre-stuffed pocket to give you the best chance of a daycare agreeing to use cloth diapers. The ease of use compared to disposable diapers is so negligible that that shouldn't be an option for them to turn you down.
May the odds be ever in your favor,
The Arcadia's Nursery Team