The Importance of Routinely Cleaning Your Washing Machine for Cloth Diapering Families

The Importance of Routinely Cleaning Your Washing Machine for Cloth Diapering Families

As a cloth diapering family, maintaining a clean washing machine is crucial for ensuring the health and safety of your little one and extending the life of your cloth diapers. At Arcadia's Nursery, we know that pocket style modern cloth diapers are an investment, and we want to help you protect that investment by keeping your washing machine in top condition. We also want your baby (and your family) to have healthy skin!

Why Clean Your Washing Machine?

1. Prevents Build Up:

Washing machines might seem like pure magic.. but they need some maintenance to perform optimally. Over time, detergent residue, fabric softener, and other laundry additives can build up in your washing machine. This build-up can transfer to your cloth diapers, affecting their absorbency and causing odors. Pathogens love to stick to this type of residue. Regular cleaning helps remove these residues, ensuring your diapers remain fresh and effective.

2. Reduces Bacteria and Mold:

A washing machine is a moist environment, which can be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Routine cleaning helps eliminate these harmful microorganisms, reducing the risk of infections and skin irritations for your baby. While laundry sanitizer or even bleach can kill germs, it can't do that entirely if there is gunk in the way.

3. Maintains Washing Efficiency:

A clean washing machine operates more efficiently, providing a thorough wash for your cloth diapers. This means fewer residues and better overall cleanliness, which is essential for cloth diapers which require thorough cleaning.

4. Extends Machine Lifespan:

Regular maintenance like cleaning, can extend the lifespan of your washing machine. This not only saves you money in the long run but also ensures that your machine is always ready to handle the unique needs of your family.

How Often Should You Clean Your Washing Machine?

We recommend cleaning your washing machine at least once per month. However, if you use scent beads or fabric softener in your laundry routine, you may need to clean your machine more frequently to prevent excessive build-up and potential damage to your cloth diapers. 

Recommended Cleaning Products

At Arcadia's Nursery, we suggest using cleaning tablets to keep your washing machine in pristine condition. Two brands we recommend are Affresh and Active. These tablets are specifically designed to tackle the residues and grime that can accumulate in your washing machine, leaving it clean and fresh so that you don't have to guess if they'll be compatible with your washer. These links are affiliate links which means we can earn a commission when you shop through them.



Cleaning Your Washing Machine: Step-by-Step

  1. Empty the Machine:

   Ensure that your washing machine is empty before starting the cleaning process.

  1. Add the Cleaning Tablet:

   Place one cleaning tablet (Affresh or Active) into the washing machine drum.

  1. Run a Cleaning Cycle:

   Select the hottest and longest washing cycle available. This ensures that the cleaning tablet dissolves completely and thoroughly cleans the machine.

  1. Wipe Down Seals and Dispenser:

    After the cycle is complete, use a damp cloth to wipe down the detergent dispensers. If you have a front loader, pay special attention to the door gasket. These areas can harbor residues and mold. Some washing machines have a filter you can clean out, check you manual for complete instructions!

  1. Leave the Door Open:

   Allow your washing machine door to remain open for a few hours to let the drum dry completely. This helps prevent mold and mildew from developing. Leaving the door open after cycles routinely can help reduce microbial growth, too.

By incorporating these cleaning rituals into your routine, you can ensure that your washing machine stays clean and efficient, providing the best care for your cloth diapers and, most importantly, for your baby. Whether you've invested in a Samsung or Maytag, they all need to be taken care of to last.

At Arcadia's Nursery, we are committed to helping you maintain a healthy and sustainable diapering routine. If you forget a month, or have never cleaned your machine we want to assure you that it will be okay. It's never to late to incorporate this simple step to improve the functionality of your washing machine.


Happy washing!

Arcadia's Nursery

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